Institutional bodies
The Mariani Foundation’s institutional bodies are the Board of Directors, the Auditors and the Scientific Committee.
Board of Directors
This is the Foundation’s institutional governing body, and its members are:
Lodovico Barassi
Luisa Bonora
Maria Majno
Luca Degani
Ermellina Fedrizzi
specialist in child neurology
Franca Fossati Bellani
Giuseppe Lauria Pinter
Scientific Director of the C. Besta Foundation
Paolo Lazzati
Alberto Predieri
The auditors are appointed by the Board for renewable three-year terms. Together, they form the supervisory body that oversees the Foundation’s administration and accounting. The current auditors are Franco Arosio and Domenico Arena.

©Morelli/Mesturini FMP
Scientific Committee
The Scientific Committee is an advisory body and a constant point of reference, serving to ensure continuity of direction and guarantee the scientific value both of the projects undertaken and of their results. The Committee is made up of experts and scientists who operate in accordance with international criteria and, when necessary, seek external opinions.
Vice-president Maria Majno is responsible for liaising between the Board and the Scientific Committee, while Ermellina Fedrizzi, specialist in child neurology, is the Board member appointed to follow the work of the Scientific Committee.
Taking into account the Foundation’s three areas of activity, the Scientific Committee is split into two sub-committees, “Care and Training” and “Research”, each made up of experts in the respective fields.
Care and Training
Daria Riva
Anna Maria Alessi
Sara Bulgheroni
Elisa Fazzi
Maria Foscan
Francesco Longo
Simona Orcesi
Daniele Petrogalli
Angelo Selicorni
Enza Maria Valente
Alberto Auricchio
Marianna Bugiani
Maria Roberta Cilio
Fabrizio Ferrari
Renzo Guerrini
Francesco Longo
Eugenio Mercuri