Neuromusic publications Archivi - Fondazione Mariani
Fondazione Mariani



The volumes listed in this section contain the papers presented at the Neurosciences and Music conferences, organized by the Mariani Foundation, with cooperation from the New York Academy of Sciences. These volumes have been published in the prestigious Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences.

Ann NY Acad Sci is an international science journal published monthly in many areas of science, though predominantly the biological sciences. Each issue presents original research articles and/or commissioned review, commentary, and perspective articles. Ann NY Acad Sci is a hybrid journal available in over 80 countries, rigorously peer-reviewed, and ranked among the top multidisciplinary journals worldwide.

NYAS Annals

Music, sound and health

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NYAS Annals

Cognitive Stimulation and Rehabilitation

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NYAS Annals

Learning and memory

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NYAS Annals

Disorders and Plasticity

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NYAS Annals

Songs of experience: music and the brain

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NYAS Annals

From perception to performance

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NYAS Annals

Mutual interactions and implications on developmental function

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