Cerebral Palsy - ENGLISH VERSION - Fondazione Mariani
Pubblicazioni / Fondazione Mariani

Cerebral Palsy – ENGLISH VERSION

Scientific editors: Ermellina Fedrizzi and Angela Maria Setaro
English translation: Catherine Wrenn
Editorial coordinator: Valeria Basilico
Publications director: Maria Majno

This booklet is for parents of children who have been diagnosed with cerebral palsy (CP). It was prompted by the need to provide them with simple and reliable information about their child’s health, quality of life and developmental potential. Parents are a fundamental and constant resource in the life of every child, and also the people who know most about the child’s characteristics, abilities and needs. This publication aims to support them so that they can work together with professionals and make informed decisions about the services and interventions that will be useful for their child and for the family as a whole.

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